Six months ago I committed to my OLW for 2012 and I chose reflection. Each month I had to create time to reflect. Had is the power helping verb because I don't often take that time because in my busy world. I am just trying to keep up because luckily I am usually caught up. Fast forward to June-a month out of school, and I have to admit I was pretty sure at the beginning of the month I thought my reflection was going to about all my summer professional learning, but now that the month is complete my reflection has shifted to kittens, laundry and gratitude.
I have been doing laundry for for 40 years, and I have to admit during those ages from 2-18 there were piles. I even think I washed clean clothes because they did not get put away from the prior week. Fast forward to June. Our son is home from college working construction (dirtier than age 2) and our daughter has been home quite a bit because of job interviews. I LOVE doing laundry what makes the difference? I know they can do their own laundry but I enjoy it because it is a gift that I can give to them and now they truly appreciate the gift. Life is good!
I didn't tell my daughter I was writing this post because I know she would have told me not too but the month of June has been about gratitude. For Christmas, Anna gave me 365 memories. She convinced my husband and son to help her write 365 individual pieces of paper with memories that we have as a family. I was suppose to pull one every day of 2012 and most days I do but on occasional difficult days I have been known to pull out three or four. In the background is her senior picture and her college diploma, where have 22 years gone? I feel such gratitude for the opportunity to be her mom and most of all her friend. Life is good!
I would encourage you to take time to reflect. It has made a tremendous difference both personally and professionally.