Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Slice of Life: OLW final thoughts on my quest

Last Saturday, I wrote a celebration post about choosing to find JOY in little moments of everyday.  "As I was thinking about this post, I was wavering from a Slice of Life and celebration.  Slicing helps me think about the whole picture which isn't always easy, and celebrations help me look inside the whole picture to find the joy."  This thought received several comments, and I have been reflecting about the contrast between celebrating and slicking. Slicing is a much more difficult post for me to write.  Thinking deeply is not a choice that I always want to make, and a slice requires difficult reflection and often I'm hesitant to publish it.

Is it possible to fight with your OLW word? I would say my OLW (quest) and I had several battles throughout 2016.. I was constantly asking why is this my word? I was uncomfortable with my word.  In August when I invited 27 learners into their classroom, I realized quickly that this school year was going to be unique. There have been several challenges that I have encouraged my learners through this year. To be honest I started to list the challenges, and I decided that their quests is their story to share. I deleted those statements. We’ve been on a quest for almost four months, and the path has been crooked with road bumps along the way; however, I celebrate all their learning as we continue to grow on our quest to become better and stronger learners as well as stronger citizens within our classroom and outside in the community. 

2016 is creeping to a close. Christmas vacation is right around the corner reminding me that there is a chance to take a break and rejuvenateI always anticipate the time with our children as we continue to build more holiday memories in Charleston, South Carolina. I hope everyone has a special holiday season with their family. As the years roll on, I realize the true gift of the season is time spent with my family and a chance to breathe deeply. Thank you for slicing along with me. 


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