Tuesday, January 2, 2018

First Day Jitters: 2018 Style

I was sick for the entire Christmas vacation not moving from the couch and/or leaving our home until Dec. 26. Finally, we went to South Carolina to visit our daughter and her husband and the couch sitting continued – it was just a different couch with friendly loving faces taking care of me.  My husband was very thankful for the respite. 

New Year’s Day I started to come back to the land of the living….I knew I was feeling a little better because I started writing in my head because my energy level wasn’t able to put my thoughts on paper yet.  Today, I finally looked at twitter and got caught up on blogs…my thoughts were turning to our first day of school which is tomorrow.

I’ve read several blogs about the importance of starting slowly, saying hello to everyone by name, sharing favorite books read over break, not worrying about learners who are wearing shorts in 0-degree weather, One Little Word choices, and my most favorite posts included favorite books of 2017 and several new titles for 2018.  With that inspiration and my energy level probably going to be zapped by 9:45 tomorrow morning, I just finished my lesson plans for tomorrow.  We will ALL ease in slowly to the new year. And the best news is if these plans don't work then we will flow with what is working.  After all it's the first day jitters all over again.

Room 234 Agenda

Fact or Fiction (write 3 facts and 1 fiction about Christmas break) We will guess which one is fiction.
Share our favorite books and pull them up on Amazon so we can create a class list of titles for our new reading logs. Chart: Favorite titles for 2018.
Morning read aloud: An Invisible Thread (hopefully I can make it through reading it) 
I might need an assistant reader to help me.
THANK YOU! We will share who we are most thankful for over holidays.  I will pass out thank you cards and everyone including me will write a thank you notes.

Lunch/Specials Hopefully I won’t need a nap….

Where’s the Math? Sharing holiday math stories.  Connecting with multiplication.  Simple rich problems to help their math brains starting problem solving again.
Afternoon read aloud: The Story  of Snow  (hopefully I can make it through reading it) 
I might need an assistant reader to help me.
3:35 dismissal and collapsing I would imagine. 

Quick trip to the library today...time to read several pictures books.
Decision has been made - can't wait to share these two gems tomorrow.


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