Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day and OLW

The end of the month snuck up on me with my blogging.  I am immersed in state testing this week enough said about that subject, so I had not realized until this morning that today is May 1.  Every May Day my mother always reminded me of how she and her sister would make May Day baskets and hang them on their neighbor's door with flowers in them. They would ring the door bell and run. A much nicer version of "Ding Dong Ditch."

compliments of Google Images
As I changed my school calendar this morning, I paused for a moment as I prepared for our big day of Math OAA testing.  I often wonder what happens to those family traditions if someone does not continue to tell the stories of the past.  My mom used to have me make May Day baskets and since I am an only child she would help me. Our own children grew up with not having real neighbors unless cows and horses count. So I didn't continue the traditions with our own children. I wonder in our busy worlds and everyone being so connected through technology -- are we really connected?  Do we still share the important family traditions that connect our families from the past?  

My sunflowers next to our barn.
In my defense, our children know how much I love flowers, and we have several flower beds and every Mother's Day we plant flowers. They help me with the sunflower garden, the new perennials that will start a new garden. This year may be different with our daughter teaching in SC and she will not be home. Perhaps traditions change because we are further apart?  Perhaps we start new traditions because of distance. Something I am pondering as I am thankful for our memories.  Last year, I carried on the tradition from my father and planted a knock out rose garden. Much easier to take care of but still totally beautiful.  

So as I think about OLW: gratitude I am thankful for my family traditions, and most of all for the lessons learned from those older and wiser than me. 

Check out other OLW friends:  Tracy and Erin

1 comment:

  1. We share the same Mother's Day tradition! My favorite moment of the year...planning/picking out flowers together, being outside (screen free), the fresh air, and the anticipation of watching our hard work turn into a beautiful garden all summer long! Thanks for reminding me that this wonderful moment is just around the corner! :)
