Saturday, June 25, 2016

Celebrate: Joy in Friendships

Celebrating this week is so easy.  I'm celebrating joy!  I've spent the last two days in Warsaw Indiana at the All Write Conference.  There was 48 hours of complete joy.  Actually 54 hours including the #carPD which solved all my life and school problems.  All Write always inspires me and each year I walk away with several different concepts to ponder for the rest of the summer.  One of my favorite parts are the vocabulary I think about differently.  
  • Tell you own story.  Look around your story is everywhere.
  • If something hasn't happened for you add the word YET to the end of the sentence
  • Find JOY in everything. As Kristine Mraz told us, "I found joy that when I checked on my kindergarten class that no one had used scissors inappropriately." 
I know there will be several posts coming this summer from my learning at the conference, but I want to celebrate the joy of friendships.  I have found the most supportive group of colleagues through twitter. My virtual PLN is a blessing to me. 
  • When we walked in the Wyndam Hotel, the first thing I hear is "Hi Maria so glad you're able to come." thanks Ruth for always encouraging celebrations and joy
  • Conversations with my teammate from 6:15 AM - 11:30 PM changed who I am and will make me a better person.  
  • JoEllen McCarthy, our cheerleader, always inspires me not only to think differently but also more positively.  Her passion for picture books and knowledge always costs me money and warms my heart.  
  • Listening to Terry Thompson speak for the first time was complete JOY.  He shared uplifting stories from his classroom especially about his second grade boys who help him start everyday perfectly after breakfast duty.
  • Jeff Anderson made my Friday!  We shook hands and he told me thank you for all the tweets of support.  And I of course thanked him for totally turning around my writing workshop with the power of sentence observation and this year learning about breaking down an author's sentence to smaller ones and putting it back together. 
Sitting on our porch, drinking my tea, reflecting on my days and knowing that today is going to be marvelous, I am celebrating how blessed and thankful 
I am. Here is the link up this week for Celebrating.

Couldn't agree more!!!


  1. It sounds like you had an amazing experience. I was able to attend All Write last year and I loved it. I was bummed when I realized I wasn't going to be able to make it there this year. I will look forward to getting back there in the future because I agree that it changes your perspective and fills you with energy and joy.

    1. It's always a fun conference and I enjoy the energy I bring back home. Hopefully you'll be able to attend next summer. It's going to be another great lineup of authors.

  2. Maria,
    I so enjoyed your tweets from All Write. Next year, I hope, I'll be able to say hello and thank you in person!

    1. I enjoy tweeting and allowing others to learn along with me.

  3. I was there, too! One of my goals is to try tweeting, not just reading tweets. I learned so much and enjoyed being with friends I only knew online before. And meeting authors whose books have guided me in the classroom!

    1. I spent at least a year reading tweets before I even sent one. But now I realize how much I learn from tweets when I am not able to attend conferences so I hope to pay it forward.

  4. I am so sorry to have missed this time, Maria. How wonderful that you were there again & had a fabulous time! Next year?

    1. You're support of Celebrations is so kind!!! Yes we do plan on going next year :)

  5. So wonderful that you could have this experience! Sounds incredible.

  6. The All Write Conference creates a new kind of energy. Your post sparks with it beyond the text on the screen. Enjoy your tea and time to reflect - I hope something wonderful grows out of it.

  7. Hi Maria,
    I'm late reading the celebration posts. Reading yours reminded me of the joy we experienced. Thanks for capturing it in your post.

    1. Loved our moment at the hotel. Always enjoy a hug. Looks like your birthday celebration was a success :) Have a grand week.
