Saturday, November 12, 2016

Celebrating Unexpected Moments

I'm celebrating unexpected moments this week that pulled me up by my bootstraps and kept me going.  A phone call from a dear friend who I haven't talked to in a few months.  We text every now and then to just let each other know we're thinking of each other.  But this week, I sent a long text (which I tell my mom isn't the correct use LOL) but I wanted her to know how impressed I was with a recent project and how her words touched my heart.  Two minutes later, my phone rang.  It was reassuring to hear the sound of her voice.  In my busy world, I truly appreciate when friends pick up the phone to talk. That 10 minute phone call helped me smile and lifted my spirits.

My second celebration is one about honesty. It's hard sometimes to be honest with a friend especially a friend that you value and respect.  I sent a Voxer message to a colleague about an event we were suppose to be attending, and I decided not to go.  After I sent my "vague" message, she voxered (is that a word?) back and told me why she wasn't going either.  We both had the same reason and better yet we both were able to discuss our thoughts which was worth a $100 therapy session to me.  

My final celebration is this photo that I captured as we were walking to our Veterans Day assembly.  A second grader was struggling with tying his Cub Scout knot, and KC got of line and stopped to tie it for him.  Totally without any prompts!  That is a true celebration and the Boy Scout Way!!!   Thanks Ruth for encouraging us to to celebrate.  I am excited to read other posts.  Happy Saturday friends. 


  1. I love connecting with friends far and near through text and Voxer. They both have their limitations, but technology has connected us in ways we never could before. Will I see you at NCTE?

    1. My virtual PLN is my support system that I can't live without. No I won't be attending this year. I will be following virtually. Tweet away my friend.

  2. Reading the paragraph about how you and your friend had the same reservations about attending the event, shows why you are friends. Being around like-minded people is such a comfort in a crazy world That picture of your scouts gives me hope! Happy Saturday to you too!

    1. I celebrate like-minded as well as the honest conversations. What a blessing for of us. Enjoy your Saturday :)

  3. The picture is worth a thousand words, Maria. How sweet that is! Love hearing about your phone call, too. Little things keep us grounded! Have a good weekend!

    1. I am thankful everyday for the little things. I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday too.

  4. All your celebrations speak to me that we are not alone, and true and kind human connection is valuable.

    1. I appreciate how you pulled my blog post into one powerful sentences. Thank you :)

  5. Love that picture at the end and its story. Unprompted kindness - that's the Boy Scout Way, and the way we should all be. I will miss you at NCTE, my friend.

    1. I will miss our visits - tweet and blog away for me.

  6. What perfect celebrations. To have friends support, open up, and see the goodness in our children. All golden. Thank you for sharing!

    1. As I read your comment the word: golden helps me to remember the Golden Rule. Thanks for your comment.

  7. Love the pic of the helpful Scout! And kudos to your friend who called in person. I still like chatting on the phone, although some of the younger girls I work with prefer to do everything through texts. I guess it's a generational thing.

    1. It is definitely a generational thing.....I'm trying to live in both worlds.

  8. And hearing about the day to day things that people appreciate, celebrate, and are thankful for helps me to remember how much positive there is in the world. Thank you.

    1. I am noticing the kindness and want to make sure that I share those moments. Thanks for commenting. Happy Sunday!

  9. Your picture of the scouts makes my heart happy. We are a huge scouting family -- both my son and husband are Eagle Scouts -- and that photo is a true testament to the spirit of scouting. It is certainly a reason to celebrate!

    1. Scouts are so important and such an important life skill. Our daughter was in Scouts and her life long learning experiences were huge in helping her grow into who she is today.

  10. I love your celebrations - this great big world needs those connections with friends and observations of kindness.

  11. The Boy Scout Way moment is true example of kindness!
