Saturday, March 18, 2017

Celebrate: Yes During State Testing Week

Two out of six days of state testing are completed. That isn’t my celebration. Because we aren’t half way there yet.  My celebration is how we prepared for the states test the days prior.  Guess what?  Nothing changed in our classroom.  Reading, writing and word study continued as if there wasn’t a ELA test Thursday and Friday of this week.  We wrote together, read intriguing picture books together because we finished our class read aloud, City of Ember.  We celebrated with watching the move which is PG in class after our principal gave permission and the parents had to agree also  The students brought in pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, snacks and drinks;  We had a party the day before testing. Life didn't change this week in Room 234.  I am always thankful to join in the celebrations from the week.  Nothing is better than sharing and reading about friend's celebrations.  Thanks Ruth for encouraging us to celebrate here

Happy Learners in Rm. 234


  1. Perfect post! Love how nothing changed because of testing and that you partied the day before testing! Your happy learners rock!

    1. It's not all about testing in our classroom. Enjoy your Saturday!!!

  2. I loved when we could do this, relax and enjoy a movie, a party, or just being together. It's a celebration before the work of testing. Good for you, Maria!

    1. Thanks Linda I want to lead by example. Testing is just another day in our classroom.

  3. I just loved hearing that nothing changed before testing, Maria. Once a teacher and children have embraced the fact that testing is just a part of the school year, learning should be commonplace and testing just a small blip on the calendar. I love the relaxed atmosphere in the photo.

  4. I love that nothing changed for your students.

  5. I loved reading "We had a party the day before testing." I wonder sadly what life-affecting message students are internalizing from the test prep in so many classrooms.

  6. No wonder they are happy learners, maria - your classroom is magic!
