Saturday, May 27, 2017

Celebrating: Summer and #cyberPD

Summer has arrived officially two days ago. Call me crazy but the first celebration is gearing up for summer learning which involves #cyberPD which is my favorite event of the summer.  Gathering together virtually through blogs and twitter is a perfect combination.  I have kept my professional reading pile small this year.  Seems like I never make it through all the books that I purchase. I am a hands on reader I like to write in my books, highlight, sticky note it, collect all the important vocabulary basically devour it.  Another celebration is once we start "talking" about the book then I go back and reread for a different point of view or better yet for points that I missed the first time I read the book.  I am excited for the announcement on June 3.  Hopefully the book is already in my TBR pile. 

I am excited to celebrating summer and  my virtual summer learning.  Thanks Ruth for encouraging me share my celebrations


  1. Maria, loved The Construction Zone and have Cultures of Thinking on my Kindle App. Disrupting Thinking seems to be in a lot of stacks! Looking forward to this year's #cyberPD conversation. Thanks for sharing your stack --- and the reminder to maybe keep our stacks to a manageable number. Hello, Summer!

    1. I am reading Cultures of Thinking again. I am excited to find out the choice for the summer.

  2. Great stack! I'm "renting" the Math Teacher from Franki for a couple of weeks. :-) #ouchexpensive

    1. I borrowed it from McKenzie for the same reason. Lots of great ideas that I will think about over the summer. Took several notes.

  3. All of these titles sound amazing! I know I have heard great things about Disrupting Thinking. The other titles are all new to me. Thanks for sharing...time to add to my wish list!

    1. I am super excited to learn the title of this year summer PD. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. I picked up Construction Zone at AllWrite last summer. Lots of helpful ideas!

  5. Love seeing the stacks, even though I'm retired, I remember the excitement of summer learning. Especially when you have someone to discuss it with. Enjoy your PD time and your down time too!
