Friday, April 22, 2011

Peaking into Our Classroom

Our class is in the middle of creating their wonder pages (an example page above). Sometimes it's fun just to sit back and observe. They are amazing in helping each other problem solve tech issues.  Most of the time they solve it before I can figure it out! Today I took several photos to allow you a peak into our room-enjoy!
The students got excited and share their video links.

I allowed the students the choice on how they wanted to
organize their research:  file folder, sticky notes,
xerox notes, index cards and rubric.

This was fun to see the open file folder with notes and
laptop along with using their iPod. If you look
closely you can see the start of a koala wonder page.

One of the students found a graph to support their
research and earn some extra credit. Their word
list is  above the graph on the right.

A teacher's reflection:  As I look back on these photos and think about how far I have come in allowing my students to have choice in their topic as well as their final  presentations. They are thinking and writing at a higher level because they wrote focused research questions with Bloom's verbs which pushed their research beyond the standard list of facts and finally the integration of 21st Century skills.  I am very proud of their hard work and effort.  I can't wait to share them with you in a few weeks. 


  1. It is so exciting to see how you've moved this learning experience forward...bravo! Can't wait to see more!

  2. I'm going to spend the summer peeking into your classroom and learning from you. You're AMAZING!!

  3. Thanks everyone for your kind words-I love knowing that our classroom could be a model for others! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)
