Friday, April 12, 2013

Poetry Friday is WONDERful!

WE celebrate Poetry Friday in our class because my students want to celebrate poetry. WE have so much fun reading poems, sharing original poems and discussing poems. Imagine my surprise when last Friday, one of my students asked me:  "Why don't we use Wonderopolis on Friday with our poetry celebration?"  I stopped, pondered and gave my student a Smartie because he is so smart.  We always look at Wonderopolis on Wednesday, but I hadn't used the site for Poetry Friday.  As I did a search, I found the wonders listed above but there are plenty more for figurative language.

As your class celebrates poetry, remember April is National Poetry Month.   I would encourage you to check out these wonders and this insightful blog: Wonders for National Poetry Month from my friend, Barbara.  


  1. I'm new to Wonderopolis! I can't wait to start exploring...

  2. Welcome Diane so excited for you to join in your WONDERing.

  3. wonderopolis is new to me too. I hope to find more interesting topics there... but I have to say I am disapointed with the "What is Haiku?" page. Really missed the mark IMO. :(

  4. Wonderopolis looks "wonderful"! Must set time aside to see all that is there...bookmarked it! =)

  5. We love Wonderopolis in my classroom! It's incredible how much I can tell you and I have in common professionally just by reading your blog! I just signed in to connect with you through Google friend connect so I can learn more from you as I continue to read your posts. ;)

    Brandee Green
    Creating Lifelong Learners
