Sunday, July 21, 2013

July OLW: Gratitude

My summer always begins with the same three goals:  read, learn, and explore. Some how June turned into a crazy mixed up ball of yarn that I had to untangle to help me get back on track for July. 

I am extremely happy with my reading goal and plan on continuing to build my list:
The False Prince
The Real Boy (thanks Mary Lee)
The Center of Everything
The Water Castle (did not finish not my favorite)
The Matchbook Diary
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library
Beholding Bee

I combined learn and explore this summer to think more about technology.  I already posted about how I had slowed down my learning curve last school year and as I reflected on that in June I was disappointed, but I knew I could turn it around this summer. In June, I went overboard with my learning. I was set on focusing on exploring new apps along with new websites, and I tossed myself into a tailspin.  I was overwhelmed and realized I wasn’t transferring any of the learning and just collecting way too much information.  At that point, we went on family vacation, and I took a week off from technology-a great choice for me as well as my family.

Finally July crept in, and I started reading Who Owns the Learning for #CyberPD. I am thankful for the conversations but as important was my focus on one book with a set purpose of exploring ideas within the chapters.  I took away two focused areas:  breaking down my classroom walls and continuing to allow my students to have their voice (not mine) in our class digital footprint. 

Enter in my OLW: gratitude.  As I reflect on July and realize that school is a month away, I am thankful for my rolled up ball of yarn from June. I encountered the same experiences that my students must feel when I present too many ideas all at one time.  In June, I didn’t take time to process, to have conversations, and connect my learning, 
In July, I slowed down my learning, I focused on one book that allowed for connections for the upcoming school year, conversations with several people through twitter and face to face, and finally a plan for last stretch of summer.  I will be taking next week off from technology and am thankful for the time to focus on my writing along with the opportunity to continue to have conversations with super smart colleagues at the Choice Literacy writing retreat. Bring on August because I am ready to tackle my final goals of the summer. 

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