Sunday, September 4, 2016

#DiglitSunday - Motivation

Margaret gathers #DigLitSunday posts at Reflections on the Teche.  I appreciate the invite every week to post; however, I haven't taken the opportunity to post.  I always enjoy learning along with others who post on Sunday. When I saw the tweet about the topic for this week: motivation. It hit me right in the heart.  Motivation for my students is where my first thoughts flew too. But then I paused and thought all day Saturday about motivation for me.  Margaret has chosen extremely smart topics for #DigLitSunday.  Topics that are relevant at the start of the school year.  Motivation.....where do I start....

I took this photo several year ago on a trip at Lake Erie.  The quietness of the lake and the time to relax with my husband ended up being one of those moments caught in time for me. Motivation evolves for me.  Motivation ebbs and flows.  Motivation unfortunately is sometimes based on who is around me.  I believe that is why I love my PLN group on twitter and blogging.  Those colleagues are the shoulders I lean on even when I can't physically be with them.  I'm learning about Voxer and hearing their voices has made a huge difference in my motivation.  

As Margaret asks me to consider motivation, I realize that it also comes with my energy level. Summer motivation is huge and I believe I can conquer the classroom especially with power lessons, huge inquiry probing questions and differentiation. Three weeks into the school year with 27 students motivation is weening.  Moments in the classroom take over because all of a sudden I know my students and am beginning to know their needs.  Motivation shifts to meet 27 individual learners.  Teaching is going to be different this year with the shift in flexible learning as well as teaching and implementing new focus areas. Motivation will continue to be on the forefront of my learning.  Happy Sunday my friends. 


  1. How are you feeling now, with another week under your belt? I am struggling to meet incredibly diverse needs, too, but I'm learning that the more closely I tailor the task to the student's ability, the more motivation they are able to bring to the work. (Now if I could just motivate my CHATTER BOX to stop talking now and then!!!!)

  2. Yes it's getting better. I have had to slow way down and remind myself everyday that it's September. I also have a few students who need me right there every minute to help them make good choices.
