Friday, September 29, 2017


In math there are always "firsts"  We explored exponents with the power of 10s.  After the opening mini lesson and some practice on dry erase boards, they went off to work with their partners.  You could see the smiles on their faces. The felt like they were doing BIG math.  The next morning as I stood at the door greeting my class as well as most of the fourth graders, J. stopped and told me he had a great evening. His older brother was doing math HW, and he was able to help him with exponents with a huge smile on his face.

$345.20 was spent on their family vacation.  There are four members in the family.  How much money did each person spend?  Long division has not been introduced.  Division is the process of dividing large amounts into groups. 
  • "I can't do this."
  • Mrs. Caplin, "You can't divide money into parts."
  • "Didn't you know that money can't be divided?"
  • "This is one really rich task, Mrs. Caplin."
  • "Really on a Friday, you're pushing my brain."
Math talk and conversations continue to be the focus of workshop.  Perseverance is the power word in our math class.  I am not the keeper of the answers, and they are still learning what that means.  After three different groups of  mathematicians circled around the table, and they opened the bank. Math got a little bit easier. Collaboration and conversations were flowing, and they all finally had the answer. 

Friday morning I walked into my school through our morning latch key program. There are at least 30 K-5 students there.  As I was walking, Maria came up to me and said, "My uncle died yesterday."  I stopped, knelt down to her level and said, "I'm sorry."  And Maria continued to tell me everything she needed me know.  The special part of this story is that my name is Maria and two years ago in kindergarten Maria saw my name tag and said that's my name.  We've been connected ever since I see her almost everyday, and we always exchange a smile. Today she needed me, and we needed each other..

Thanks Ruth for encouraging me to Celebrate.  It was a great week, and  I am thankful. It's going to be a fun weekend.  Celebrating my birthday by going to a Bob Seger concert. This will be the highlight of my Saturday evening listening to this song :)


  1. Thanks for continuing to inspire me Maria even though it is tough to talk and share face-to-face. Happy birthday dear friend!

    1. Knowing that you're right around the corner and hearing you laugh makes every day special for me. We will find some time :)

  2. I'm teaching math now and it is so amazing! I love your reflection and the student thinking. Have a wonderful birthday weekend!

    1. Thank you :) Isn't it fun with mathematicians solve a problem and get an answer that you never even considered.

  3. Have a wonderful birthday celebration, Maria. I love hearing about your 'name' buddy. The math story is great, too: "I am not the keeper of the answers." Perfect!

    1. Thanks Linda - it was nice to find some time to celebrate with all my friends.

  4. Happy Birthday, Maria. may all your celebrations continue to be as bright as the ones you shared today.

    1. Thanks Carol - it's always nice to continue the celebration into the weekend.

  5. Bob Seger! How fun!

    Exciting math talks happening in your classroom!

  6. I hope your birthday celebration is/was wonderful.

  7. Happy birthday weekend, Maria. I loved reading your celebrations - so glad you were there for Maria and took the time to listen. Thanks for sharing the thinking from the math lesson. My favorite? "Really on a Friday, you're pushing my brain."

  8. Maria, your vignettes certainly captured your celebrations for the week. Happy Birthday to you as your celebrations continue this weekend!
