Many of you know my
Word for the year is
reflection. The OLW changed my month. I stop now and reflect much more than I ever did. I even started a place in my writer's notebook of ideas for January that I can reflect on. I never took the time to this before and what is even more interesting to me I thought I would reflect on teaching practices. But at least for January that is not what I have chosen to blog about-- what really stopped me this month were two first time experiences.
The first experience happened in writer's workshop and it took my breath away. As the students were leaving to do their writing a student asked if she could talk to me. We walked over to my desk, and she said, "I have been asked to speak at my great grandmother's funeral. I want to say something special. Can you please help me write down some strong vocabulary words? " I looked at her and replied, "I'd be honored." with a tear in my eye. Together we came up with 5 very special words.
Jon and his son enjoying the moment. |
The next
experience was an opportunity for my family to spend a weekend in Louisville with the 5 other wonder lead families and the amazing group from
NCFL . I had been lucky enough to spend time with many members of the NCFL in the
past. But this was the first experience for my family to learn about this extraordinary organization. During the weekend, the wonder families visited many different places and as we arrived at the
Louisville Zoo, each family was given a question to WONDER about. All of a sudden our family was talking and thinking about this question, of course the first place we went to was the orangutans. We didn't find the answer on the signs that we read around the area, but we were lucky enough to ask the assistant keeper to find out our answer. The reflection came later from this experience how one question hooked four adults (remember our kids are 19 and 21) We had fun searching the answer and connecting as a family in the primate house-who knew?
On a side note, I am very excited because we are going to
do some cross posting today. Please check out my friend's blogs:
Melissa @
Technology: figuring out how the pieces fit
Tracy @
Thinking Stems
Tara @
A Teaching Life
Barbara @ One Little Word
Memories with your family, friends and students are what makes me thankful each day. Take some time in February to stop and reflect.