*fill classrooms with a rich literature collection
*don't let go of independent reading time in our classrooms
*find the SWEET SPOT of education-not too heavy and not too light
*importance of building "framework" around the lessons we teach
*if we teach students to read and write well, then they will do well on state tests
Honestly that last point was exactly what I needed to hear as I am struggling with how to integrate testing into my workshop time.
This year I took the plunge again and presented with Mr. Mark, our TST, and I have to admit it was fun to present again. Our focus was on Integrating iPods into the classroom. I hope our bigger message was about how important it is to consider using any technology tools in the classroom. Here is our opening video that Mark created enjoy watching it!
If you are interested in some of the apps that I mentioned during the presentation, here are some of the links for you. Feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions.
Math AppsWord Study Apps
Reading Apps
Science Apps
evernote and higher level thinking: Wonderopolis
I ended my day listening to Troy Hick's discuss how to integrate technology into the classroom. This was a full circle moment for me because of reading his book The Digital Writing Workshop. I took the plunge into technology. I hung on to every word and have so many new ideas to process that I will be coming back to my notes many times I am sure. Here is proof that I got to meet him. Thanks Franki for having your camera!
He was autographing my book! |