As I read all the blogs about All Write it is amazing to me all the "take aways" that everyone has posted. As I reflect on Day 2, I realized there was a common theme for me that carried over from Day 1. To be a writer you have to write.
This thought along with it takes 10,000 hours to be great at something has lingered. Along with the call by Kate Messner announcing Teacher's Write 2013 I realized I am not really a focused writer. I write blogs, articles and occasionally (rarely) write in my NB which is entitled: Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake. Thanks to Mary Lee for encouraging me to write. I had a few days to ponder, and I decided to start small with a suggestion from Jeff Anderson: as you are reading think as a writer. That stuck with me like glue because I am defiantly reading this summer, but I haven't been writing in my notebook. I loved his idea of collecting phrases, words that spark, unknown words and finally your thinking about the book. This was a simple place for me to start. I was reading The Real Boy. I was struggling with organizing the characters along with the setting. After I started writing, I was more connected to the story along with gathering ideas for writing. It was a powerful lesson for me to feel like my students do when they get confused with their own reading.

It is a beginning and just the start of my 10,000 hours thinking as a writer. One of the best steps for me will be sharing this journey and my WNB with my students in September while I encourage them to start their 10,000 hours at age 10 instead of 49.