Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Slice of Life: Eeyore Complex

I rolled out on the wrong side of the bed. It was one of those days when every email I received was a problem or created more work for me. I was about at my wits end and have to admit that I was very boisterous during lunch hour with my thoughts about the latest requests.  I continued to walk around like Eeyore and just had a grumpy look on my face.  After school, I meandered down to my friends classroom in which I found my other three companions and I just let loose.  They all listened, and a few of them had inquiries in support as well as questions.  I’m pretty sure it was a gripe session in the best of days.  However, knowing I have my friends in the trenches with me and I had a safe place to vent was so important to me. I am thankful to my colleagues who always listen when I’m ready to pounce. I am thankful to my daughter who I call everyday after school as we discuss our days as teachers.  I am thankful to my mom who always listens and seems to find a glimmer of light.  And my husband 30 years later still says, “I can just tell. What’s wrong?” Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for encouraging me to slice about life's adventures.  

Thanks to Google Images for sharing one of my favorite Pooh friends.


  1. That's great Maria to have support when you need it ;)
    Digital Bonnie

    1. Absolutely couldn't do this job with out my whole support team including my virtual ones. Thanks for your post.

  2. Some days are just like that! Lucky you, to have such a support network.

    1. My network is key for me on those tough days. Have a terrific Tuesday!!

  3. So wonderful that you have this support surrounding you; a big fluffy cushion works wonders!

    1. Thanks Linda and I always appreciate how you stop by my blog on Slice Days.

  4. We all have days like that! Sometimes, we just have to vent and it's a natural process. Glad you have the support system.

    1. For sure - most of the time I don't blog about it, but this one end up with a great group of friends!!

  5. You have nurtured that support, and those very same people count on you. So nice that you have support right in your building though...that really, really helps.

    1. Thanks Tara I am blessed to have open and safe doors to walk through when I need to "talk"

  6. The comparison to Eeyore made me chuckle. We all have those days.

  7. From the picture on FB, it looks like you had the perfect ending to your day. I hope tomorrow is better.

    1. For sure Julie - nothing better than a little Marley time to help me remember what's important. Sure missed my CL time with friends though 😃

  8. You model the support. I'm grateful to know you are always available with a keen ear and strong shoulder.

    1. You made my 5:50 am day!!! Thank you for your comment. And the same is true for you. Have a great day!!!
