As September comes to a close tomorrow, I am thankful for so many small moments that when placed all together in my life made September a special month. As I celebrated my 50th birthday and as the years move on, I am always thankful for the my birthday. I have always believed it is the one day of the year that is a time to be thankful for the gifts that I have received.
Celebrating with my family is always at the top of my birthday list and this year I was pretty sure that we were not going to be able to all be together. With Anna in SC, I just didn't think she was going to be able to come home until her fall break. All of a sudden, she called and figured out with a little help from my cousin that she would be able to fly home for the weekend. As a mom, I knew that everyone in our family needed time to be together. It might have been for less than 48 hours, but I now have treasured memories that will always be with me. Time to talk and laugh, time to solve life problems and time to be together early on Saturday morning. There is never a better present in my opinion. Next, I have extreme gratitude for my support team. Those friends at my school, my CL writing community, my NCFL family that lifts me up and is a consummate cheerleader along with a voice of reason when our education world gets a little crazy. We all need different levels of support, and this month all the pieces fell together. OLW continues to help me pause each month and lift out those moments of gratitude.